Monday, May 28, 2007


Good Morning Folks....
The making of a our case the metis nation ..... here within at the moment an association of metis states,or if you like self identifieable communities,which have their own traditions,customs,etc,etc, they will play a large part on where this all goes ...... they control the agenda...they allow other`s to think they are the boss!!!!here is one example...does winnipeg constitute a single state or community.or three or four state`s,or communities???????? far they have not moved....on any front ..except to be considered locals of the non-profit corporation called the mmf/inc ......these locals... so far have allowed the body mmf/inc to take over all matters including thinking for them...they are indifferent to all suggestions from all sources.....they do not wish to be interrupted or disturbed by amount of pressure can get them to move... the charade continues .......when and where will it end i dont know!!!!!!!!

Fortunat Guiboche...may 28 th 2007

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