Tuesday, April 8, 2008

the utterings of berger and huband...

Good Day Folks...
The recent utterings of messers Huband,and Berger.....Huband to express is opinion has a former judge and to support his colleague on the bench...their seems to be a need by this Circle of lawyer's to stop this thing in its tracks.......Was Mr huband selected...or did he volunteer to be the Hammer for the manitoba boys club..????...On mr Berger he is doing what lawyer's do when they proceed to the next step...but this time he puts is view's to the members of the mmf/inc.....I enquired before these remarks where made And ask the metis people in manitoba if they had Indian Title..???? no one made a murmmer......I ask again does any metis here in manitoba Have indian title??????Mr Bergers remarks were put out bt the web site of the mmf/inc...his name was printed as the person who wrote these remarks....
At the very bottom it was said..and i quote....
"the mr berger ...is counsel for the manitoba metis federation.

Now folks i agree with the last part..he is counsel for the mmf...he is not counsel for the thousands of metis people who are not members of the mmf/inc....this matter of who represnts the metis in manitoba ..is still up in the air...Speaking for myself at this tiem i Represent myself.....the govets of Canda/manitoba would do well to heed this noted point!!!!!

Fortunat Guiboche April 8 th 2008

1 comment:

Ryan G said...

Hello pappa Fortunat, This is your grandson Ryan. I've just visited your site for the first time, and agree with alot of what you are saying. I would like be schooled(know more) on Metis history. I am one of those Metis people who know very little about our past. Now what the MMF/INC is doing for the Metis people is NOT what they should be doing. Some of it is positive but its not going to make any significant change. I think your right.....and would love to be a part in some sort of movement towards some sort of change. Like I said before I don't know enough to stand up and say something and actually be heard....or force peoples ears to hear me anyway...In other words I don't know enough to make people want to hear what I am saying.....Thank you, Ryan G.