Thursday, March 27, 2008


Good morning Folks.
The only way metis people will achieve nationhood will be to make a political Statement!!!!!Using the courts is a lost Cause.... fit only for courtroom jesters...ON the bench and the Plaintiffs playing the star role of pretention !!!!!
This posturing by the NPC'S and other individuals is Laughable...Repeating what you are told is reflected in all your opinions..You must break loose from Canada's thinking and start forming your own plan with original METIS far i see nothing to be Excited about......and a lot to laugh at!!!!Shaking my head ...wondering when will metis get it!!!!! Remember folks just because Canada and the courts say it is so!!!!!Does not mean that it is so.!!!.....

Fortunat Guiboche March 27 th 2008

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Good Morning Folks...

When and where will it start...this is the question that is some metis people...
I have this idea that it should start here in manitoba ...In this Metis Community_________________________.You fill the name...
Then let the idea take shape that will form the New Metis State...I don't Have that much more time on this planet.... before i move to the other one!!!!!! So If you don't use me !!!!!

Fortunat Guiboche March 26 th 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

When metis people discover nation building.....

Good Day Folks.....

When metis people discover nation will be by someone who as the capacity to bring them to that point....To enable them to find themselves by themselves.......It will take time..but it can grow rapidly... it will depend on the Blueprint that will be used to make this who will make this blueprint...not the ..NPC'S......Folks there is no-one on the horizon....who has shown themselves YET....!!!!!! there many pretenters...who give the impression that they know something..the reality is they don't....!!!!!!! Soon the bells will toll for thee..!!!!!!

Fortunat Guiboche..March 25 th 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008

Metis Nationalism.....

Good Morning Folks....
Well we have read a few reponses to MetisMamma ...Everyone is entitled to express their own opinions...I can't help but think that this thing they call Brain Washing had taken hold of the Metis Psyche...So we deal with it...My View on this Question is that everyone who wishes to express a thoughfull paper should do so........while we will not agree on all matters A forum to express ones views is necessary to the Understand and thinking of metis people..I welcome this exchange and Thank Metis Mamma for her paper...Lets hear more opinions.... not just small points that you may wish to reject out of hand...Remember Folks what you say should be thought out...But let me say this..... Continuing down the road of the ....NPC'S a recipe doomed to failure For the metis people I am optimistic that this debate will lead to some form of metis nationhood governance.....

Fortunat guiboche Mar 24 th 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Good Morning Folks...
This item brings me back here this Morning...This is the first in the short history of the metis people that paper has been presented for all metis to reflect on..There is much to debate has only begun...The problem as i see it is we need a place to debate..Perhaps metis mamma could convince the Unversities in Manitoba,Saskatchewan,Alta to open up the space to let it all hang out!!!!... Metis mamma could Demand from the federal Govt... to advance us on our deposit that we have outstanding with them...unfinished bisness...then we could debate Amomg ourselves as most nation's do..... when they want to establish the forms of nationhood...I stopped a month ago..I was thinking why am i educating the bloody NPC'S who don't have a clue what Statehood is!!!!..Yet walk around talking metis sovereignity as if they know anything about it.....And another thing i have yet to meet a metis nationalist here in manitoba.. Metis Mamma set up a forum if you can.... i will be there to outline some of my thinking at a civil Gathering of metis areSerious about this matter...More to follow....I will be interested to see the response to her blog site....

Fortunat Guiboche March 23 2008