Saturday, May 31, 2008


Good Morning Folks....
It should come as no surpraise...that the metis npc's operations in the metis homeland are taking advantage of the conditions offered to them by Canada's system..they have become adepth at using the system for their purposes.....that purpose is for the benefit of the NPC'S.....NOT FOR THE METIS NATION..!!!!!.
it is not difficult to understand...!!!!!!

Fortunat Guiboche May 31 st 2008..

Friday, May 30, 2008


Good Morning Folks...

These people ( NPC'S)playing around with metis rights.....with no thought gone into what is means exactly..... to the metis people.......This dwelling on the hunting rights issue and only this right of the metis nation is confusing the thinking this is the only right the metis are concerned with!!!!!!!This is a crime of gross misrepresentation of the metis people....the prosecution of these Individuals (NPC'S)will begin.... when the Metis Nation Forms the basis of nationhood here in the metis homeland......This Question of Metis Rights Must be addressed at the upcoming metis symposium to be held in Sask.....later this year..2008...

Fortunat Guiboche May 30 th 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Good Morning Folks....

I ask a Question this Morning.....What services delivered to some metis members mmf/inc ...that could not be better deliverd by the Province/Feds..???????So why do we need these NPCS.......Folks the answer lies in the fact that a long time ago the feds decided that they must control the Aboriginal peoples....Meaning Indian/Inuit...and the metis too!!!!!!!!!!!!! giving out a few dollars is keeping the Natives quite...That strategy as worked well ...AND WILL CONTINUE TO WORK WELL...AS LONG AS YOU HAVE NON-THINKING METIS WHO PARTICIPATE IN THESE OPERATIONS....IT WILL ONLY CHANGE WHEN THE METIS BECOME A.......POLITICAL FORCE...IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE THIS COMES ABOUT!!!!!!!........there stirrings afoot!!!!!!! change all this...!!!!!!before the snow flies ...some of these questions will be answered in the metis homeland.....????

Fortunat Guiboche May 21 st 2008...near the banks of the Red River.....

Monday, May 19, 2008


Good Morning Folks...
The MMF/INC..sign idea!!!!! an idea that bears watching...personally i like what they doing...For my own Nationalistic Reasons....But Folks bear in mind that one day soon there will be a sign put up at the Forks Declaring it as Metis Territory BY THE REAL POLITICAL METIS NATION..!!!!!! .....then let the HUE and CRY begin......not in some backwoods area like the mmf/inc is doing...oh well.... that is the mentality of the Group to-day.......thinking outside the nationhood box...well what can you expect.... they might be cut off.... and the mmf/inc will die a quick corporate death!!!!!...a sign will go up then at there offices... stating they are no longer in Bisness....the assets are for sale ....which they probably will buy back for themselves....the mmf/inc will then operate under the Friendship centres that they Control .............

Fortunat Guiboche May 19 th 2008....


Good Morning Folks....

To-Day is Victoria-Day....she was a former Queen on the Rock Pile ...Over there across the big lake.........Now she is a friend of the Indians.& the Inuit....Which have treaties signed with her representatives and upheld by International Law......... But Folks she is no Friend of the Metis......Which have NO treaties....with this DEAD woman and her reps....So we find ourselves wandering around the metis Homeland...checking out the situation......waiting for someone to move!!!!!!.... these npcs..are assuming ....that they are in charge of this operation......I don't know about you BUT i have Witnessed no move so far to suggest that something is afoot!!!!!! hear lots of Double -Talk..but no clear indication for the Adancement of the metis nation...I guess we will have to do it ourselves...This upcoming metis Nationalist Gathering in sask...should be a good place to Start!!!! my duty to the Metis Nation Compells me to Address this group with Clarity and forcefullness!!!!!Which i will Do!!!!!

Fortunat Guiboche May 19th 2008 on the banks of the red river...metis territory......

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Good Morning Folks...

The shifting Metis World ...Is Comming.....Much like the early Shifting of the waters and the Continents of the plant Earth.... .....just how much Havoc will be created remains to be seen......i look forward with hope that we will straiten out this Aboriginal notion of metism By the NPC'S that they put forward to-day!!!!!which is a SHAM!!!!!!!they must all go....!!!!!

Fortunat Guiboche May 13 th 2008....

Monday, May 12, 2008


Good Morning Folks...
The decline of the metis in full swing...I don't know any other way to describe it!!!!..when you see a people embrace MEDIOCRITY....and convince themselves that all is well...!!!!Well I don't know any other way to describe it!!!!
A pity.....they are now existing on the handouts of the federal Govt...which controls what is said ..when it is said...where it is said!!!! can any thinking metis people stand aside and allow this to happen....this must be brought to a stop!!!!!!!...and i know how...!!!!!!!

Fortunat Guiboche...May 12 th river territory.......

Monday, May 5, 2008


Good Morning Folks...

It appears that the ...AXIS OF on the praries.......Have utilized the NPCS...ability to do what they want all within Canada's System........The Duplication....Triplication...Get away with bureaucratic & Fiscal Murder..!!!!!!!...the alternatives are there for all to see I wonder what will ensue......Folks they are now ...THE ENENY WITHIN!!!!!......and have been for a long time...while the metis people DITHER.......

Fortunat Guiboche may 5 th 2008........

Saturday, May 3, 2008


Good Morning Folks...
There is interesting stuff METIS MAMMA'S BLOG....
I am thinking that there are possibilities.... for us as a people to Find answer's to the many complex question's that we need to confront...!!!!!I am hopeful that we might make a start this YEAR.....

Fortunat Guiboche...May 3 rd 2008....

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Selling METIS PEOPLE to Canada...I don't know how else to describe it!!!!...These npc's selling your birthright....for a few bucks...telling Canada that they will keep the metis in Control .....not to worry!!!!!!!...What is it that they really do!!!!!!FOLKS......Every service they now perform would be better served by the existing canadian structure.....Who really need's them ......If they were gone to-morrow....!!!! nothing would change...except that your lives would be better in that you would not have to deal with these people ANYMORE..........they claim to speak for us on all questions of metis matters.....Well folks that day will be comimg to an end ......!!!!!!!Only a Political voice will have that authority...which is not yet in place...but it is coming...!!!!!

Fortunat Guiboche May 1st 2008...