Wednesday, July 25, 2007

manitoba children in care---7,241.............

Manitoba Citizens...
This Morning in the w.f.p. another child died at the hands of all those involved,and to an extent all us manitobans are to blame...for allowing this to continue!!!!!the minister was quick to point out the great undertaken the government was doing to correct this by throwing money at the problem!!!!!!!as if that will solve the matter!!!!now here are the figures...

total children in care.......................................7,241

northern first nations..................1,786
souther first nations...................3,263
...........................sub total....5,049.................5,049

in general care.........................1,618.................1,618

in care metis authority....................574..................574


any one with half a brain would say there something ROTTEN in MANITOBA!!!!!!and in CANADA figures would probably indicate similar numbers across canada!!!!!!!..

what we have here is a situation that Canada/manitoba citizens should not stand for those figures?????????i would like to know what the mmf/inc will Do!!!!!!! they are the presumed authority according to the province of manitoba who signed an agreement with them to care for metis children!!!!!!!!!!???????

what can be salvaged from the first nations remains unknown and seemingly hopeless time they start challengeing themselves!!!!!!

Fortunat Guiboche July 25 2007

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