Friday, April 11, 2008


Good Morning Folks....
For some time thinking about the metis communities taking over their own affairs has been on my mind!!!!! i will share with you on how to do is really quite simple..!!!!!!! Consider this..... what is taking place now in Canada...All Indian Bands run their community affairs.... as well have a major say in what their band will participate in...Thay have total control...
Now the Metis communities Have Absolutley no comtrol over ther local affairs.. UNDER THIS PRESENT SYSTEM THE MMF/INC CONTROLS YOU!!!!!!the mmf/inc as usurp all those powers and has left the Metis Communities with nothing to do....SO NOTHING STOPS YOU EXCEPT YOURSELVES FROM TAKING CONTROL...If this still BAFFLES YOU give me a shout i will show you how to take complete control over all your affairs......will not cost you anything..not one penny..this is a free service which i will advise you on....!!!!

Fortunat Guiboche..april 11 th 2008...

1 comment:

Frank Godon said...

Fortunat you are forgetting one thing about the Bands - They are nothing but corrupted little dictators keeping the people who disagree with them at arms length. Much the same as the Metis are now. I think the Metis have grown closer and closer to being like our FN cousins and now just want to sit back and see what they can get from the government. They're waiting for the land claims lottery.

You have the right ideas my friend but the time for them has come and gone. We missed that boat when Riel refused to listen to his military commander. Now what we have to do is go cold turkey from the government programs, set up a Metis only registration for those who self proclaim to be Metis and can prove they are who they are and use that registration to become part of the current Canadian government in all levels to make sure that our people are not some distinct nation in Canada but that we are Canada. Canadian with a proud heritage and culture. We can remember who we are and still contribute to Canada as Canadians not take from it.

We need to break ourselves from the victim syndrom and not do as the FN do, whine about that every problem we face is because of someone else. The Metis have been proud people who didn't give a rats ass as to what others thougth about us - we did our thing and when we faced obstacles we went around, over, under, or through them. We need to bring that back to our people. Not some pie in the sky dream of a Nation in a Nation, or a seperate Nation.

If we face facts that we are Canadian and work that angle then we will succeed at what ever we wish to achieve.